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© Awesomely, LLC
Awesomely, LLC is an education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, "get rich quick" program or money-making system. We believe that, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make sound investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success with our training.

We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. Andy Howard is an experienced investor, and his results are not typical. Individual results vary and depend on education, experience, effort, market conditions, and other factors.

Any statements and depictions in this video are the experiences of students who have purchased education and training. Due to the sensitivity of financial information, it is difficult to track the typical results of our students. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys.

Results show that most students who complete the training program are satisfied with the quality of the training. You should not, however, equate satisfaction with financial success. Further, many students do not complete the program, do not apply what they learn, or attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in implementing the strategies.

Investing and trading involve risk could result in a loss. Any investment decision is a personal decision and should only be made after thorough research, including a personal risk and financial assessment, and the engagement of professional assistance to the extent you believe necessary. We do not provide financial, legal, or other professional advice.

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